DSCP creates a number of new Holidays


The Democratic Socialist Confederation Party, dedicated to improving the lives of working folk around the World; has through Executive Directives made a number of new public holidays for the Confederation.

The first holiday recently created is Parent’s Day, this day is dedicated to all parents regardless of gender and shall henceforth be held on the Seventh of July. This date was chosen as it is in-between both Mothers Day and Fathers Day in Australia. This inspired holiday idea was put forward by our own Deputy Premier Xavier.

The second holiday is actually two days. Victory in Europe Day and Victory over Imperial Japan Day are now Confederation public holidays. It is vital for the survival of Humanity that the horrors of fascism and imperialism are learnt; and the destruction of their regimes celebrated. Originally we were going to have “Victory over Japan Day” but on the advice of the Opposition Leader, Deputy Premier and the Health Minister we added in the word Imperial to remind people that it was an evil imperialist regime that caused these crimes, not the modern democratic nation of Japan.

May all of our citizens enjoy these days off, and take the time to remember both the lessons of history and the value of the parents who raised us.


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Victory in Europe Day 2021