Victory in Europe Day 2023 speech

Lest we forget…


Citizens of the Confederation,

Last Monday, the eighth of May was Victory in Europe Day. This celebrates the day when the Allies formally accepted Germany’s unconditional surrender. There were millions of heroes, both on the frontlines and the Homefront, across numerous countries that made this victory possible. Whose sacrifices have allowed us to live our lives in liberty, free of fascist powers.

However, in our narratives about this great crusade for freedom, there are those groups and nations who are often written out of the official histories. Among these forgotten people are the Native American Nations. During World War II more than 44,000 Native Americans saw military service. They served on all fronts in the conflict . The men of these various nations were eager for the fight after the surprise attack on Pearl Harbour, indeed “According to the Selective Service in 1942, at least 99 percent of all eligible Native American, healthy males aged 21 to 44, had registered for the draft. War Department officials maintained that if the entire population had enlisted in the same proportion as Native Americans, the response would have rendered Selective Service unnecessary.”.

This eagerness was also reflected in the gallant actions of Native troops on the battlefield. A brilliant example of which can be found in the story of Ernest Childers who received America’s highest military award, the medal of honour. On the 22 of September in 1943 in Italy, despite having a broken foot, he alongside eight other men advanced up a hill toward enemy machine gun nests. He killed two snipers that targeted him as he ran across a field. He then eliminated one machine nest all by himself and took another with the help of his men. Afterwards he singlehandedly captured an enemy mortar observer. This incredible bravery is but one episode in the proud service record of Native Americans during the Second World War.

So on this day, let us remember all the brave men and women who defeated fascism in Europe. Let us rejoice in the many liberties we now enjoy thanks to their heroic efforts. Let us also recommit to fighting fascism wherever it is found, the horrid seed of hate cannot be allowed to bear fruit.

This has been your Premier, William Alexander, signing off.


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