Fourth Quarter 2023 Report
The fourth quarter of 2023 was a quiet one, a time where our citizens started their holidays and took things easy. However, we still did some great work which I will elaborate on below. As with other quarter reports, I will break down this article into sections; Political, Community and Recruitment.
Goal One: Complete: Engaging in Foreign Affairs: The Vladastock Confederation forged diplomatic ties with two micronations during the last quarter. The Kingdom of Salanda and the Union State of the Republics. These two nations are based in the UK and Asia respectively. Whilst the USTR did not join our Confederation as a Member State we are still grateful for their friendship. Furthermore, they also signed onto our nuclear and bioweapons conventions which greatly assists our foreign policy objectives.
Goal Two: In-progress: Drafting up the Childcare Law: the writing process for the Childcare and welfare law began over the holidays and is proceeding well. During this quarter we should be able to pass the law.
Goal One: Complete: Host another World Lounge Episode: Travis, Jack and George and I joined in for another episode of World Lounge. It was overall a fun evening catching up and a decent episode. Sadly, due to tech difficulties we lost the second half of the podcast, but such is life.
Goal Two: Complete: Host a Community Event: the twelfth Community Event on childcare and welfare was extremely enjoyable. Citizens joined in from across New Zealand and Australia to give their thoughts on how the law should be crafted. Thanks to our citizens contributions, this administration can make a just and fair law.
Goal One: Complete: Hunt for more Member States: It is always the goal of this administration to expand our Confederation. We are currently in talks with two micronations about joining us, one is Germanic whilst the other is Turkish.
Goal Two: Complete: Expanding the Assembly: Whilst King Andrew the Second was attending the twelfth Community Event, he and I discussed getting his citizens to run for Assembly elections. The king will discuss this plan with his cabinet in February.
2023 was a great year and I believe our citizens ended the year strongly. I am extremely grateful for each and every single one of you. May the new year bring us more successes and good fortune.