Second Law Review
On Saturday the 10th of August we hosted Vladastock’s second Law Review in the Premier’s apartment. Assembly Member Jack, Supreme Court Justice George, First Lady Joyce and Premier William joined in for a great evening of politics. The topic of the night was the latest draft of the AI law that has been the focus of this administration for a number of months now.
The team took turns reading out the current draft, where they suggested potential edits and questioned sections that were potentially troublesome. Long discussions were had over the role of AI in the field of medicine and law enforcement. Especially when it came to the predictive AI software aimed at criminals.
After everyone agreed that the draft was ready for our Assembly, we moved on to planning new videos for our revitalisation campaign. This is where Jack and George’s talents in the arts shone through. After the scripting process, we relaxed and caught up with each other.
Overall it was a wonderful night, and it was truly great to see our fellow Vladastockians once more.