Nuclear Convention adopted!

Today, the Vladastock Confederation Assembly officially adopted the Micronational Convention on Nuclear Weaponry. This innovative convention has been in the works since late April. The people and government of Vladastock decided that the Micronational community needed to voice their opposition to the threat of atomic weaponry. For too long, the nations of the world have held the means to destroy our species within their hands. For too long, the nuclear powers have used these terrible weapons as part of their sabre rattling and warmongering. It has to stop, hence why we developed this convention.

The convention is made up of three sections. The first deals with Micronations and their responsibilities. Despite the fact it is unlikely a Micronation could ever create nuclear based weapons, it’s important we ban Micronations from engaging in nuclear weapon development. By doing so, we lead by example. The second section demands Macro nations immediately sign onto existing UN conventions and dismantle their stockpiles. Finally, the third explores missile technology; most notably banning hypersonic missiles able to carry nuclear payloads.

This convention could not have been made without the great contributions of our citizens. In particular this government thanks Deputy Premier Xavier, Assembly Members Jack and Sean, Supreme Court Judge George, King Andrew the Second and Archduke James for their support in developing this Convention.

For other Micronations who wish to join us in adopting this convention, please contact our government either via email or through our social media pages.

Signatories (updated 5/03/25)

  • The Union State of the Republics

  • Unitary State of Moadu

  • Myeong Commonwealth


State of Xingu leaves the Confederation


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