First official Law Review
Our hot chocolates with the law projected on the wall
On the 22nd of June at 3pm, Premier William hosted the first official Law Review at his apartment near the heart of Sydney. The afternoon’s topic was the AI law that has been in the works for a while now. Deputy Premier Xavier, Assembly Member Jack and First Lady Joyce joined in for a great arvo of political discussions.
We used a projector to have the law up on the wall, from where our citizens put forward their ideas on direction, wording and philosophy of the law. The First Lady was kind enough to make hot chocolates for all of us as we debated the ethics of the emerging AI sector.
The Deputy Premier used his experience in education to help guide us on how schools and children should use AI technology, Whilst Jack and Joyce suggested establishing a regulatory body to approve of new AI products hitting the market, and to monitor their uses. Extensive debate was had over how much can companies replace Human jobs using AI technology, eventually a 15% cap was agreed upon. This compromise replaced the idea of a robot tax originally floated by William.
After the law review was completed, we all ordered in some tasty food and watched the first Alien movie, which was highly enjoyable. The night proved extremely useful for this administration and heralds our return to the micronational scene, after some time away due to life commitments. We hope to host many more such reviews in the future, to ensure all our citizens’ voices are heard.